National campaign: How Romanians perceive A Better Tomorrow

A new IRES study highlights Romanians` sustainability behaviors

51% of Romanians have recently heard about the idea of sustainability, and 2 out of 3 of them declare themselves in favor of sustainability, which suggests the desirability of this type of behavior at the social level. The family is the key factor that influences sustainable behavior, and almost 3 out of 4 Romanians confirm the need for information, respondents indicating information, involvement, examples of good practice or the involvement of private companies as stimulating factors for pro-sustainable behavior. These are the results of the IRES study, "Romanians` sustainability behaviors ", carried out between July 28 and August 4, 2023 as part of BAT Romania`s "Choose a Clean City" campaign.

According to the study, among the most frequently highlighted sustainable behaviors are selective collection and recycling (98%), the purchase of household appliances with low energy consumption (97%), participation in greening actions, afforestation, stopping deforestation (96%), the use of biodegradable bags or recyclable packaging (95%), thermal insulation of homes (95%), reduction food consumption waste (95%) or the use of LED bulbs (94%).

Family is a key factor influencing sustainable behaviour, with over half (53%) of those who self-assess their habits as sustainable saying they were influenced in their adoption by family. Also, the factors that Romanians consider stimulating for pro-sustainable behavior are information, involvement, examples of good practice or the involvement of private companies. The need for information on sustainability is confirmed by almost 3 out of 4 Romanians.

According to the IRES study, 54% of Romanians say that in their household, adults are most concerned with saving electricity, water, selective collection or other sustainable actions.

Sustainability is associated with financial support, efficient use of resources, sustainability, environmental protection, use of renewable resources, recycling and concern for the future. Asked to define the concept, most interviewees mentioned "financial support of an idea or a project" (18%) and 15% stated that sustainability refers to the efficient use of resources, their conservation; continuity or sustainability (11%), financial responsibility (7) or activities beneficial to the environment and humanity (6%) are also frequently mentioned.

Starting from the results of the study, as part of the Choose Responsibly for a Clean City platform, BAT Romania launched in November 2023 a new national awareness campaign regarding the importance of simple but sustained individual gestures, which can have a significant impact on us, the environment and the community. The elements of the campaign include mass - media communication, digital communication, social media, but also internal communication dedicated to BAT Romania employees.

In its 3 entities in Romania, BAT continuously organizes extensive actions to protect and raise awareness of reducing resource consumption or donating for recycling and reuse. BAT permanently organizes selective collection campaigns of previous versions of its electronic devices in Romania, in over 360 collection points in the country, and the company's local team participated in the planting of over 2,000 trees in 2023 alone. At the same time, the BAT factory in Ploiesti obtained the AWS (Alliance for Water Stewardship) certification last year, confirming the company's commitment to protecting water resources.

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More about BAT`s sustainability approach: BAT Combined Annual and ESG Report 2022




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